12/24 Looks like we had another Jade Cove trip, a couple of them actually. Mike B. and I went up Thursday, since we have had giant surf and now minus tides. I found this 12 lb. chunk of Jade and Serpentine mix, but the waves were too big to really get after it. Then it rained on us Thursday night, and Friday I fell in a stream carrying Woody (dog) across. I managed to put him down on a rock as I was falling, but then I got the full dunk, smashed my hand and got lots of little cuts. When we finally got down into the cove in the afternoon, I got drenched again when an extra large wave caught me napping. By the time I got home I was still wet and out of dry clothes. A successful trip.
Every time I am heading out for Jade Cove, Dana asks if I don't have enough jade. This is of course rhetorical, unanswerable in fact. The jade I do not have is always greener and larger than the jade I do have, and it must be sought and never found. It is sisyphean, a moonbeam.
One morning recently we woke and found out WE WERE FORKED!
I thought this was pretty funny, much better than getting TPed, since it rained and wet TP is a pain. There musta been 100 forks, and a few spoons and knives as well. It was some of the kids in the last play with Mike (Little Women of Orchard House).
It's Christmas eve. All the presents are wrapped, the stockings are hung by the chimney, the lights are all lit, Santa will be here soon. My health is good, the remodel is essentially done, work is fine, the family is all here and healthy, the Patriots won today and the weather's nice. Thank God for our government, so we have something to crab about.
Here is a picture of the new dining area, and the kitchen through the arch

I went to see the orthopedic doc 2 weeks ago, and he said my hip was definitely arthritic and bursitic, and he could treat the bursitis with prednisone, but the arthritis was untreatable, eceppt for aspirin and all those other salicylate derivatives I am allergic to (Advil, Ibuprofen, etc.). That allergy turned up when I was 21, and I wouldn't be surprised if it is gone, but I cannot get a doctor to test for it because they are worried about anaphylactic shock and death. Wusses. So the net result is how soon do I want a hip replacement?
12/31 Never did finish this post, so I will now. We had a lousy Christmas, mostly my fault for treating John like he was a kid, and then he escalated it and it all spun out of control. He left early for Santa Cruz, grabbing at his independence. I am sure he is very torn, so independent and still so dependent moneywise. Then again, he didn't work all summer so WTF. I talked to him today and he is getting over it. Funny thing happened, Dana was cleaning his room for Rita nad Robert's non-visit and found the iPod that went missing some 2 years ago, stuck on the inside of the bed frame. I bet Mike's nano will show up too someday.
I won the season football pool - I won four of the weekly pools, and went into today with a 3 pick lead, and ended the day with a 3 pick lead. Hooah. Didn't even know I was a peerless pigskin prognosticator. Hit ~70%, no spreads. Netted about $250 I think. I suppose now I should throw the Superbowl party here. Net $0. Easy come easy go.
Landscaping in the backyard is almost done, a few more hundred paver bricks. Armando is taking his time, very meticulous, I would've had it done a month ago, but I'm not paying by the hour. I did help him a little today because I feel bad for him, and my back is letting me know that I am stupid. Life has lots of ways to remind you that you're stupid - bakc, hips, knees, hair, kids, spouses, cops, bosses, employees, mirrors. Dogs are cool though, they hardly ever say anything negative. Our dog Woody is awesome. I think this is partly because he is gelded, snipped, ballsless. We should do this to all world leaders too, then our war budget wouldn't be 200 times the UN peace budget. Happy New Year and belated Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Boxer Day too.