Saturday, January 21, 2006


Had my ~1 year bone marrow biopsy on Monday, and passed with no sign of leukemia. I probably have had this for a year now, but we'll celebrate when we get to Feb. 9th, Dx plus one year. Only have to swallow another 2,155 pills or so, 54 more blood tests, and 12 more injections of vincristine. And one more bone marrow biopsy. And we're done!

I pulled the cover off the Old Town canoe the other day (I keep it stored at Beauchemin's) and was dismayed to see that it needs some patch-up work, sanding and varnish and paint, and a new seat. I bought this a long time ago from Roger's grandfather. He had replaced the original canvas exterior with fiberglass, but otherwise it is the same one that cracks in half in the movie Deliverance, nice wood interior, teak rails, cane seats. So I started that project today and I probably need to put in about 50 hours to get it back in shape. It is really a waste of time because we never use it, but if I don't do it the rot sets in. It has been in the water maybe once every 2 years, when we atke it into the back bay of Morro Bay and over to the sandspit. It's a 16' fishing canoe, designed for calm lakes and ponds, and I hate fishing. Kayaks are more suited to conditions here, and the canoe is a bear for one person to move around. Roger, are you out there? Does this canoe have emotional value for you?

Young John is finally getting healthy but way behind on schoolwork. Everyone else is OK, chugging along. There was an article in the paper the other day about a local 2-year old with ALL, same as me, so I called and left a message for the parents offering to tell them how some of these drugs make me feel, figuring a 2-year old may not be able to verbalize how she feels. The mom called me back and we talked for a half-hour. The kid is 6 months into treatment with many of the same drugs but no cranial irradiation and more steroids, which give her the most trouble. They first thought something was wrong when their daughter complained that her bones hurt, and she stopped walking. Her bones were so full of leukemic cells they were clogged! I am trying to remember if my bones hurt, but I don't think so. My guess is at 2 years your bones are growing rapidly, and that might explain the pain and not needing cranial irradiation. Me, I am ossified.

And as GWB said, "We got an issue in America. Too many good docs are gettin' out of business. Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their -- their love with women all across this country." Go get 'em docs!


  1. HI John, I think Mo and Pat could set you up with a nice kayak, their yard is full of water bound toys. Seems like working in the bonsai garden may be more gratifying than the canoe when you hate to fish and all.

    It's so hard to see kids going through cancer, my neice was a poster child for the Jimmy Fund in Boston for many years and she wrote a book about being in treatment at age 5 or so. She made it throught the most grueling of treatments. It is probably a great comfort for that family to have you offer your insights and support. You are a kind soul. (not something i thought i would say about a guy reputed to not let people pee when traveling with him while he is driving, old story that it may be)
    So you have the countdown, congradulations on the biopsy!! You are doing so well. Since I am feeling so much better now, getting my energy back two-fold, I can send you even better reiki.
    take care, jeanne

  2. Jeanne that no-pee-stop ordinance was actually based on kindness...he had our best interest at heart, making sure we would get to our swimming destination sooner without delays, thus preventing us from any ill effects brought on by riding with the heat on and the windows closed to get us in the mood to cool off. what a guy, what a guy

    and too bad you don't live closer, F, you could leave the antique in our yard where Mo would not be able to resist boat-whispering it back to life, meanwhile off you go in my kayak NOT goin' fishin, NOT being Dr. McMurphy and certainly NOT picking up Dr. Cheswick.
    try something new every day, huh?

    well since I am not in your car,
    ssssssssssst--ah, the sound of a beer opening, and the great feeling of knowing I can dispose of it without falling out the side door and rolling towards the nearest tree.

  3. John, Congratulations on getting here and nearing the one year mark. That's a nice thing you're doing for that family with the 2 year old. Try to keep us posted on how she does.
    Jeanne, what a pleasure to "see" you back on here. I hope you're doing well.
    Hey y'all, fer those of us not in the know, I think we need to hear more about the pee-less trips. What's goin on there?
    The canoe gig sounds interesting John. You should post some pics. Ya know, if it's truly the Deliverance model, they sell for bigs down here in Bama. It's sort of a Redneck Badge of Honor to have one a those. We have a small river down below our house but I'm always thinking if I go down there, into those deep woods alone, they may somehow know I'm a Northerner and the entire mountain will hear me squeeling like a pig. Man, talk about being ossified. And now that I think about ossification, there's yet another excuse for my shitty golf game. Yeah, that's it, I'm super-ossified in places I shouldn't be.

  4. BIG HUGE CONGRATS!! Your journey (to hell and back) is an inspiration to us all. For a tough 'ole guy from the East, you're just a big softie, aren't ya? Thinking back to the good 'ole mid-90's, I remember all the girls at work wanting to work for YOU! I guess you let 'em go pee whenever they wanted.
