Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Demotherapy, as in demolition

Dang, we’ve been busy around here. I have to apologize to all of you that have been supporting me through this ordeal for taking a month off. I know you pull up this blog every couple of weeks to see how things are going. I guess they are going so well that l don’t have much to say about leukemia. Now that we’re almost done remodeling my body (until the left hip finishes its degrading remarks about my life), we are in the beginning phases of remodeling the house.

Before I go on about that, let me just say that my health is the same, blood counts are fine although my red blood cells are slightly enlarged. My doc doesn’t seem worried about that, and I have been in the gym a lot so maybe they are just more muscular. My weight is steady at about 160, and I eat everything and often, it drives the wife nuts. Still sucking down the chemo, only ten more months. I have thrown in glucosamine and chondroitin to stave off the hip and back pain. The four racquetball sessions every week with Uncle Barry and Mikey aren’t helping my hip or my ego, but it’s still fun.

We just finished emptying out our old computer room, and they will tear off the roof and walls of that room tomorrow, if it doesn’t rain. This will be the new dining room once it is expanded, flowing into the kitchen and living room. This is what the hobbit architect that originally designed these houses intended, but he made all the rooms too small for their purpose. The stupid rain started four weeks ago, just after they dug the trenches for the new footings, and didn’t really let up until the end of last week, but finally we have begun.

Dana and I have been appliance shopping, window and door shopping, floor shopping, revamping kitchen layout, and figuring out what to do with the stuff that is here, like the giant computer armoire I am typing this at, which is now in the old dining area, and which you can have for only $1500. We will live in a Chinese puzzle house for the next 3-5 months. I am trying to throw a yard sale together for this weekend and clear out all the stuff we haven’t used in the last 5 years – boogie boards, wetsuits, garage couch, entertainment centers, tech stuff, games, clothes, and on and on.

I am back on the job market, and was given an offer today, good job and potential for money, but I have some others I am waiting to hear from so I have to hold them off and see what happens. Plus Randy and Donald are coming out May 4-7, short trip but we’ll have some fun. Beauch and I will take them up to Plaskett Creek or Limekiln Park and camp, hit Jade Cove, go to Farmer’s Market, maybe golf although I am not so hot on that.

The Blood Bank called me a few weeks back to see if young John could come in and donate – they were critically short of blood. He started donating when I went in the hospital. I had to tell them that he had come down with mononucleosis in January and couldn’t donate for a while, and I would but I have leukemia. I asked them if they wanted me to write a letter to the Tribune as a recipient to say how blood donations had saved my life, and they loved the idea, so I did. The Tribune did not print my letter; I didn’t call anybody stupid, and didn’t mention the sewer controversy, so ………. They kind of ticked me off, so I forwarded the letter to the marketing people at the blood bank. They called me up and wanted to know if they could come interview me, as they were doing some celebration of a donor that had made his 300th donation, and I said I would be happy to do what I could.

This morning they came out and interviewed Dana and I, and took our pictures, and we may get to meet the 300-donation donor at some celebration. He donates platelets, which you can do every couple of weeks. It takes about 2 hours to donate platelets, so his is a heroic effort. If he’s light enough I will carry him around the celebration on my shoulders.


  1. well John I hope whatever day job you get will leave you enough time and inclination to keep writing...all these therapy programs have been very helpful to hear about;
    and now you have some lawn doctors coming to study with you? great!

  2. Well, we have all been a quiet bunch lately. Glad your silence was not due to any health crisis. I am over mine, but my week in the hospital for the staph infection was quite an unexpected event. I did not get a white hat, but on my second day two big measuring cups appeared in the commode. The nurses were a little perplexed when I started naming my contributions after white house staff members. The first one was a little shit, so I named it Rumsfeld. Unfortunately, I did not have the “W” crap until I got home and got back to a regular diet. For anyone wondering how I got a staph infection, I do not know. I am not an IV drug user and did not have any infected wounds. The bill for my hospital stay before insurance deductions and co-pay was $50,000+. This does not include the two visits to the ER prior to admission or the 4 weeks of IV drugs afterwards. I can only imagine what your medical bills for the leukemia treatment are. Thank God for insurance.

    So John, what is the latest about your re-entry into the Rat Race? Sound like you are in high demand. What kind of jobs are you applying for? Enquiring minds want to know???

    Can’t wait to see the new kitchen. Dee, we are all expecting dinner invitations. If you fire up the BBQ I bet we could talk Jack and John into scorching some meat for us. I will gladly build a salad and of course, we don’t go anywhere without a couple bottles of wine. I figure I had better offer this since I am inviting myself to dinner.

    Ok, I’ve done my part….where the hell are the rest of you blog correspondents?

  3. Lisa, we would love to have you and Jack help break in our new kitchen. I'll pencil you in for some time in September? Unless of course you'd like to try out the toaster oven we will most likely be using over the summer. ACK! I will let John fill you all in on the job thing. Let's just say he is off this weekend enjoying his last few days of early retirement...

  4. John - I would like to email you.. my husband was diagnosed with pre-B cell ALL last month and is in Mayo Clinic now. I love your blog! Could you let me know your email address? lisas@netins.net

  5. John,
    What a fabulous accomplishment - to see you working on the house, doing a yard sale, playing racquetball, eating up everything with Ho-Spice, planning more camping trips, looking for a job and just celebrating life in general. But hey, what's this about not being so hot on golf all of a sudden? Can't wait to hear the next update on all this activity.
    I just got back the other day from about a week and a half out at The Hood Canal. Played lots of golf (read: every day), picked oysters and dug clams out of the one of the bays, saw lots of bald eagles and just had a great time.
    I wish The Little Woman and I were a bit closer so we could join in on the new kitchen break-in.

  6. whew--
    glad to hear (see) you commenters back from vaca and (sorry to hear, Lisa) Club MED.
    but...last few days of retirement?!!!
    what is up?
