Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bardin' Us

Just a quick campground update - Mike and I are leaving Ashland in an hour or so, I think headed for Coos Bay. We saw Twelfth Night last night in the open air theater, great time, and we saw American Night yesterday afternoon. It was hilarious, about a man that will take his American citizenship test in the morning and dreams all night. We saw Pride and Prejudice Friday night, and what I saw of it was very good, half of act 1 and all of act 2. I had terrible gerd, acid reflux, all day Friday, I think from drinking ginger ale Thurs. night. By the time I got to the theater I was wiped out, and P&P is heavy dialogue. The espresso chocolate bar I ate at intermission snapped me to life, but the first act I was doing the dip and nod.

Water, water, water. Ashland is hot, 95 in the day, but the campground is cooler down by the creek. We are having a grand time. Mike sings almost non-stop, not loud, and I talk to myself out loud, so we make good travelling partners.

Bumpass Hell area of Lassen Volcano Park

Mike finds home in Ashland at the OSF

Campsite outside Ashland

Mt. Shasta in the distance as we head north

Mike getting blown away by the Oregon Coast - Gold Beach

The campground we stayed in Sunday night, HumBub, was too close to the highway. We got tired of making and breaking camp, and agreed to head for home next day. We got here in SLO last night at about 9pm after a 12 hour drive. Generally a great trip not wrecked by pushing for more camping.


  1. Mac,

    I did have to ride in the breakdown lane to get to the greenway. There is a lot to see.

    pedaling along
    under the cool canopy of shimmering, rustling green
    interrupted by the glaring sun of a mid summer day
    the radiance of the black pavement broils me
    and I pedal on
    cool dark paths lead off into the pines
    and I pedal on
    reaching the train station
    resting on a baggage cart in the shade as,
    travelers seek the coolness of the station
    waiting for their train to carry them onto some destination I do not know
    all aboard I hear
    I mount my bike
    to seek the cool canopy again
    searching those paths that lead into the pines
    the hot summer quietness all around
    the whirr of my chain
    the rustle of leaves

    John sounds a lot like this is your life


  2. hey I finally recognize some of the geography!--oregon, not the bike path--Mo sees the trees, I am usually thinking we're almost to the bakery--
    but about 3 decades ago I was traveling from portland down to northern CA with my friend Lolita...I think we went to Crater Lake to meet old buddy alan and his girlfriend...or was she Lolita's girlfriend? I hardly remember details like that, but
    was I hungry in another life? all my memories involve food. we ate breakfast in Ashland but the high point of the trip was along the coast. you could get a big hunk of salmon smoked at the side of the road and an ice cold beer for about the price of your ginger ale at the show.
    I would like to see more of California some time--or would I be better off to think it is still what I remember from Saroyan and Steinbeck?
    time will tell,

    happy trails, bardners


  3. Sounds like a great trip John. Good for you and keep a goin.

    TLW and I lived in Oregon for a couple of years in the early 90s. We loved going to the Oregon Coast and I’m glad you and Mike enjoyed it. Cannon Beach is one of our favorite places in the world. So many wonderful things to see and do out there, even more so than Ho-Spicing a possum in Bama.

    How’d yer meetin with da Social Security go? Let me know if I need to call Vinnie in New Joisey to stop in an make a visit with one a them Gument people.


  4. That meeting on the 23rd got postponed until this coming Friday by the SSA people when their guy had a family emergency. Stay tuned.
