Monday, June 13, 2005


Congratulations to Jeanne for making it, Zowie, end of treatment, feeling good, looking good, Man I wish I coulda made that party! Send the pics! I think some of the dance moves from 8th grade were named after Red Sox, because I remember Foy! I think we had to tone it down after some of the gangs took offense at having dance moves named for them. There were some negotiations in there, I remember, involving me and the parking lot and some Belmont-types. Thank God for quick hands and feet.

Pretty smooth week, if we ignore young Mikey burning his feet so bad at Wednesday’s end of school picnic that he is still laid up. Poor kid’s feet looked like the sausage they made in Colminares for the annual festival, all swollen and red. This is not the first time, and I have to reevaluate the ability of pain to teach a good lesson; it usually worked for me, but now that I think about it and look at the scars on my head, I suppose I missed a few lessons too.

Cindy Steen came all the way from DC to visit, popped in on us for a few days, and Rita and her girls and friends came from Atwater, and young John was in heaven for a while. Surrounded! We BBQ’d, had a bonfire on the beach, had a great time. Happy Birthday Cindy! How gutsy do you have to be to go to Uganda for 3 weeks, then move to Nicaragua for 4 years, as a single female? Such courage. Uganda was Idi Amin, remember him?

Speaking of pain, last Thursday’s spinal tap and injection was as smooth as butter. All I ever felt was the initial local shot; I won the sciatic nerve lottery! In and out of there faster than Brad Pitt with a costar! Last one coming up this Thursday, and Phase III goes into pills only mode. I may be sick and tired of this chemo bloat and dead hands and feet, but it keeps getting easier, and my blood counts are all good if slightly anemic. It’s time to hit the gym and recover some of the strength I need to get in the water, and maybe drive a golf ball more than 200 yards.

Golfed Wednesday, shot 93 at Morro Bay from the blues. Eeeeennhhh. The new Happy Father’s Day Here I am at the Golf Store and Oh Look that is the putter I want on sale - I guess the kids are getting this For Me Putter I got, the White Hot 2-Ball Odyssey, did not save me. Turns out I still have to use my skill with it, and that tones the magic down, something about the lack of fingers and hands holding the club or something. Don’t the great putters say they putt with dead hands? Doesn’t work.

Played 14 holes on Friday – county courses here are $8 after 5:30, and you can play now until 8:15 or later, so Mike B. went out and played the Bay from the whites, 43 on the front nine, not bad. Then Sunday I went and played with the dedicated golfers, guys with 8 handicaps and 540 cc drivers, at Dairy Creek from the tips, the gold tees. Course kicks my ass. 4-iron all day for second shots. Enough wind at the 183 yard par-3 I am hitting driver and coming up short. Shot a 97, 1 better than the last time I played Dairy from the blues. Flat out ran out of gas on the back nine again, but made enough adjustment (played like a 75-year old) to weather it.

It was hard not to feel depressed, because at one level I am feeling pretty good and expecting things to come back. However, I am one weak-ass dude; Randy’s kids could beat me up. Vinnie could make me beg for mercy (don’t do it). I think I am starting to look like Kurtz at the end of Apocalypse Now, white and bloaty. I am pretty sure when I stop taking the steroid for brain swelling the bloat will go away (today I stop I hope). That is a bad combo reaction from steroids, they make you gas up and have you eating like a pig. Saturday was Dana’s schools end-of-year BBQ, and I had some of everything, twice. She sure works with a fun bunch of teachers, and they are good cooks too.

Speaking of BBQs, I will get an email out today saying July 2 is a go, now that I know Vinnie can’t make that date to beat me up. Too bad we had to lose Pat and Mo in the bargain, but the image of Mikey trying to defend me by hitting Vinnie with sausage feet didn’t jibe, something about all the juices popping out of his toes …..

I have always wanted to put a practice putting green in the backyard, and Dana has always said No Way, it’s too small. However, I realized recently that the land on the other side of the community fence line is ours, with a creek easement. This area was all overgrown, but has a couple of small oaks, a sycamore, and some other shrubs. So I started clearing it out, and it looks like it could fit the bill, a kind of secret garden area. I don’t know about a putting green, we’ll see. Anybody out there have one, any tips?


  1. Hey John
    Sorry i have been negligent in making any 'blog' comments, please know that i have been reading the blogs, but i have been so incredibly self-absorbed lately that i just haven't found the time for anything or anyone else. Selfish, yes. Unforgiveable, i doubt it. Back on track, perhaps.
    Regardless, it's wonderful, as always, to hear from you, about you, and blah, blog, blah. Talk at ya soon, promise.
    Deb G.

  2. I for one am sick of hearing about me, and thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, wishes, and the chocolates you send. I think you may have an idea here, only blog comments for the next month, no blog. No blob, no blog, no blah, no blather, no bloviation, no bull, noble indeed.

  3. John,

    Well, good news that they will not have to jump start you anymore. Guess this means you are sticking to your 10-point maintenance plan. Fluid levels ok, battery still a little low, but overall a lot more mileage left in the old spam can. Good for you!

    And congratulations to Jeanne on completing treatment. Live long and prosper.

    Wish I could make some relevant comment to the golf pain. However, I am (dare I admit it on this Blog) anti-golf. I think this is a result of my mom dragging me around the Country Club golf course with her when I was a child. I had my own set of “baby” clubs but was not allowed to use them because it would hold up the game. I remember it as being the most boring days of my young life. I think I would much prefer golf Rodney Dangerfield style, drinking margaritas in the golf cart. …Blasphemy! I can hear you all gasping from here.

    I hope you will all keep blogging and blahing. It sounds like most of you grew up together (except for Mac who is still working on this process). I know that Mac and Chrissie are in Alabama but where do Pat and Mo and Jeanne live? I am thinking somewhere on the east coast? John aren’t you from New Jersey? Is that where you all grew up together?

    I was born and raised in San Luis Obispo. Dana has been one of my best friends since grade school. Joined by Deb G in junior high. So I will leave you with this quote, which I believe is from Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    “Times change and we with time but not in the ways of friendship.”

    See you July 2! Let me know what we can bring.
    Xo, Lisa

  4. Lisa we live in Rhode Island, the smallest state. I met John and Mike Beauchemin in junior high school..wHY do you build me up, belmont baby just to knock me down, and push me around...
    I was very tall then and could play basketball with the guys but they kept growing and I got short.
    Jeanne was my roomate at Vermont's Goddard College in a dorm Randy (who I knew even before John) referred to as "the house of nuts and sickos"
    Perhaps I should have seen way back then that Randy would go on to become a pa-sychologist. In our younger days he didn't really like me, because--if you can believe this--I comment too much.
    I have come to think of Mac as an old friend, but we have never met.
    And John I don't think you can run a comments-only blog; we count on you to give us the material to (loosely) base our commentary on...I do love reading the comments as much as your updates, though.
    For one thing, it is how I find out what Mo is up to.
    Well you will see our grinning faces in virtual form soon--I am pretty sure I don't look a day over 49.

  5. NO, NO, NO, NO, No. This idea of blog comments only is all wrong; bumms me out, bumms out the kitties and can end up destroying the fabric of our free society, as we know it, in the western hemisphere.
    John, congrats on getting to Phase III. Hit em straight and keep the wind at your back. Now that Dana's on the loose for the summer maybe you can get her to help lay the sod for that new putting green beyond the fence - under the sycamore. Maybe you can lay more than sod back there . . . .
    You know what would be cool? Mikey Sausage Feet Low Brow pics.
    Jeanne, such good news about your successful treatment. Keep it going.
    Now look at that! After all this time, here we go gettin personal on this blog. How did I meet the Fiores? Once upon a time, before I knew anyone, The Little Woman and Dana lived in L.A. somewhere, maybe Santa Monica, and they were doing a soft porn gig. John and I were hired as extras, if you know what I mean. Well, after many visits to the Doc for itchy testicles, I had to break away and find another career. Started a talk radio program in Iceland for wayward seals; followed one to SLO where we hooked up again and where I saw The Little Woman doing a professional shopper gig for Michael at the Neverland Ranch. This made my testicles itchy again and I ran away to Alabama, where I've been living in the Witness Protection Program ever since. To this day, I'm still drinking Jesus Juice out of Coke cans.
    And Pat, what can I say? I think I love you. Let me know if Mo reads this and starts heading south. I still have my place in Iceland where I can hide out for a while. Do you own one of those big parka things?
    And Lisa, anti-golf ! ! ! ! ! Around these parts that's somewhat blasphemous and one could be restricted from Ho-Spice for life. But I promise, I won't mention it to the redneck posse who polices anti-golf charges and we won't hold it against you. Can you feel the love?
    It is hot, hot, hot down here in Bama these days. I think our TV weather people here are on the Chamber of Commerce payroll. Yesterday, they said it would be 89. When I looked at the temp at home at 5 PM, it was 98. Today they say the heat index will be 100. I'm willing to bet John that new putter that the thermometer will read 100 at 5 PM. This all comes with about 85-90% humidity. Or, as they like to call it here, "Dewpoint". I suppose dewpoint sounds better than humidity. Very nice weather for a cold martini at the appropriate moment.
    John, it's looking like I will not get to the Holy Cow Cookout next month. I'll try go get Paul (Newman) to send out some Ho-Spice. I think Rick & Bubba might be able to make it though.
    I'm still waiting for the right moment to get a pic to you for the blog. All the cameras I tested so far do not have adequate body-thinning options.
    Take care and keep up the blog. Do you really want to see this group go on without proper supervision?

  6. OMG, Mac, you have clearly been dabbling in the kitties' catnip! I may have to break out that old letter Chrissie sent to me when I was doing my junior year of college in Italy. It's the one where she tells me about the weird guy she had just had a date with. Humm...wonder who that was...oh yeah, it was you, baby. Tee hee. And aren't you celebrating 20 years of wonderful bilateral weirdness this year? Who woulda thunk it?

    I love that there are so many old friends coming together here. Shame that the East Coast and Southern contingent can't make it out for the BBQ. I was looking forward to that scene! We were planning on serving Ho-spiced quahog with a side of fruit salad. Oh well, guess we'll have to settle for chicken.

    Goofiness aside though, I have to say how blessed both John and I feel in having so many friendships that endure time and space. We love you hug!


  7. Sooooooo Miss Dana,
    How much is that little piece of correspondence from My Little Chickadee, from way back when, worth to you? Will be happy to trade it for some putting green sod, an old putter or a very skinny kitty.
    And yes, The Little Woman and I have been married for a little more than twenty years now. Bilateral weirdness, I think, aptly describes at least half of the duo (profound, huh?).
    Did you say "fruit salad?" Well sumbitch, I'm really bummed now.

  8. Itchy Testicles! Didn’t they perform at Woodstock?

  9. john-
    photos sent your way tonight, long time sending via dial up. pat, randy, earl, kris and i all represented, you choose what to use.
    i look for any commnetary from you on about whatever you like but don't leave us alone. mac and pat need something to fuel their relationship....

  10. omigod I just saw some of the pics--Johnny PLEASE shrink them down to smaller size, they show every freckle and filling. they even show the few hairs left on Randy's head.

    in other notes:
    Mac so far Mo has not headed south--nor have I heard of Chrissie bringing a posse North...I am pretty sure everybody knows about us, anyway, and our love affair of the kind that can go on forever (imaginary) (I wanted to say literary but even my imagination wouldn't go that far)

    and to Dana Lou,
    at the risk of having Mac burn his icelandic parka just when things were getting hot, I have to ask--
    did you notice how quick he went from suggesting John have you lay sod for the green, to offering You all the materials for for the green for John? what exactly is in any of this for yOu?
    I'd hold on to that letter for now, maybe mention starting a blog of your own.

    and speaking of blog, John, Mo said it best "we are not bloggers. we are commenters"
    so enough with trying that early retirement plan you've perfected on this thing.
    it's like when Kramer had the Merv Griffin set in his apartment--you are our host.
    we're goin fishin.
    we chartered this boat and we're goin fishin.

  11. Yes, Itchy Testicles did perform at Woodstock. Their title song was something about When The Crabs Are Drunk On Lighter Fluid and The Icepick Cometh . . .
    Pat, glad we finally hooked up. It was good for me. And I'm envious of all the fishin talk. BTW, "Gone Fishin" is one my all-time favorite songs. It's on Chris Rea's "Auberge" CD, which, I believe, is one of the greatest CDs ever made. Whenever I hear Gone Fishin it gets my juices flowing (well, some juices anyway) in the direction of The Hood Canal, where The Little Woman and I will be building our final bedroom. It's best of all worlds there; on a golf course and across the street from "The Canal," where fishin is devine.
    And Pat, (shhhhhhhhh) if you can get a copy of that letter from the devine Miss Dana, I could make you a helluva deal on a couple of slightly used kitties an old putter.

  12. Pat,
    Be careful. Mac might know your love affair is imaginary. Now he is going to make you a deal on his old putter.

    Now fishing… I like this much better than golf. Check out some fine old pictures taken in my own private Idaho at: If you click on “The First Edition” then enlarge the Salish Whisper you will see the view of my fishing hole.

  13. Damn! Grammatical error. That was supposed to say "Mac might NOT know....."John, can you edit your comments once you've published them? You can also view fishing pics if you google The Ross Hall Collection.... He was a photographer in the Sandpoint, Idaho area 1930's - 1960's.

  14. Lisa I think you were right the first time--he KNOWS, that is why he offers me no better deal than some kind of golf thing and 2 scrawny underfed felines.
    whoa whoa whoa, feelines

    I see publishing in Dana's future.
    That, or a mysterious Watergate-like incident at the Fiore's house...which with John patrolling the perimeters half the night planning his backyard park would be a challenge.
    John what about a bocce court? bet you could find a good RI company to help with that--

  15. Lisa, isn't that a neked Indian in that photo? Maybe Ross was a little, ya know, kinda Michael Jacksonish. The fishing spot is VERY VERY cool though. Chris Rea would love it.
    Pat, "my people" are already doing a little recon in and around the Fiore compound. Although they have not come up with the target document yet, they have thus far uncovered some very interesting stuff. And, BTW, imaginary is fine with me. In fact, it quite fittingly describes a number of elements in my life already, i.e. good golf scores, my boyish figure, my sex li..(oh, never mind).

  16. Excerpt from: Little Feat “Time Loves a Hero”
    Old Folks Boogie
    -- Paul Barrere, Gabriel Paul Barrere

    Off our rockers, actin' crazy
    With the right medication we won't be lazy
    Doin' the old folks boogie
    Down on the farm
    Wheelchairs, they was locked arm in arm
    Paired off pacemakers with matchin' alarms
    Gives us jus' one more chance
    To spin one more yarn

    And you know that you're over the hill
    When your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill
    Doin' the old folks boogie
    And boogie we will
    'Cause to us the thought's as good as a thrill

    I have many thrilling thoughts. Seems the only vices left to me these days are the ones in my mind. Thankfully, nothing Michael Jacksonish. So did anyone see the one juror who commented that after seeing Michael Jackson every day in court made her realize he was only human. Whoa! I’m not sure what he has morphed into, but it is not human in my stretch of imagination, and believe me, I have a very elastic imagination.
    Thank god the trial is over and the media mongers have gone home.

  17. Yeah, I did see that juror's comment. What I got from it was this: It was only the repeated visions of Michael that brought her to the realizaiton that he's human. I agree with her, it would take me a number of sightings to get to that same conclusion.

  18. Mac one thing I do to relax my overworked imagination in preparation for our next burst of comments is read the occasional chick lit, especially first novels by women--
    of what possible interest could this be to you, even at work? you might be wondering...
    well my latest find, by Joshilyn Jackson (who I thought could not possibly be true southern having only one first name) is Gods in Alabama and no you are not in there but I keep thinking that maybe you haven't been exagerrating or even using your poemic license.
    the gods include "Jack Daniels, high school quarterbacks, trucks, big tits and also Jesus"...
    if anybody out there likes the sound of Mac's retirement home, they might want to study this novel, see which bodies are buried under the kudzu and why a lot of emotionally cathartic experiences take place at WalMart.
    not quite the golf and martini version we get here, but very good--
    Dana I bet you would like it

  19. Pat, I'ma willin ta betcha it ain't no novel. I jista read da reeviews an it looks ta me like dat Arlene Fleet karikter was my nayber.
    And about that double first name thing, it's only actually required (by law) for the male gender - although freely offered to the fairer sex. If you hear Joshilyn pronounced down here in Bama, you can rest assured they'll get at least five syllables out of it - seven in the rural areas.

  20. John
    want to wish you a happy father's day--you are doing a great job and I have every faith that one day Mikey will wear shoes and John will use phones (she says as ghetto boy goes out the door wearing a tshirt that says "never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups") I am pretty sure he is on his way up the street to meet a large group of stupid people.
    I know your father's advice was Never be a burglar.
    My dad told us Never speed near schools and playgrounds--because that is where the cops hide.
    Maybe other guest commenters will submit some wisdom passed down through their clans?
    Anyway hope you get that new putter I've been hearing so much about.

  21. From my father when I asked for advice about how to handle the backload of work left from a predecessor when I started a new job: “When you’re up to your ass in alligators, the first thing you have to do is drain the swamp.”

    From my father on driving: “Never drive faster than the car in front of you”. “Don’t ever do that again.” “More gas, more gas,….BRAKE!”

    From my father before my first date: “Remember, your mother and I want you to date and have fun. But remember, we don’t like surprises. So don’t get pregnant…at least not on your first date.”

    From my mother when she met Jack (my future husband):
    “Tag him and bag him”

    From my Grandmother (Obinetta Erben aka “old banana”) to my aunt when she got married: “Men have special needs. Sometimes you have to jiggle them off behind the door.”

    From my Grandmother (yep “old banana”) to my cousin on dating: “You don’t want to date “those” kind of girls.” To which he replied “Yes, I do”

    Now Pat, aren’t you sorry you asked!!

  22. Forgot to RSVP for picnic.. Hope not too late. I finally quit Sonic and am going to be around for another month or so before relocating to Sac town. I'll be doing loads of projects at my house in that time, but if you are serious about a putting green project, I'll offer my labor for some cold water and maybe a cold beer at the end of the day for a couple of days of manual labor ;) I'm very handy and 100% serious. my email is Sounds like a worthy project and someone needs to step up so you can take a few steps and practice your putting, although, sounds like you'd still kick my tail at golf. I just shot a 97 at Dairy Creek off the blues, one birdie, one par, the rest ugg..

    Thanks for continued posting.. Will keep reading and in touch when I relocate to King's country ;)


  23. Nothing shabby about 97 from the blues at Dairy, esp. if it was windy. We gotta go smack it around soon.

    Young John didn't get a summer job, so I may have to hire him to work on the yard. The putting green isn't a sure thing yet; gotta finish clearing the zone. I think John has your job though, but thanks for the offer.

  24. Lisa--
    not sorry I asked, but a little regretful now that I left off some my other favorites
    "stop the god-damned swearing"
    why don't you CALM DOWN!!!!
    maybe there is hope for our kids? seeing as we turned out so great?

  25. Hey John...I think I've updated myself with all your posts. Bryan informed me of the website a couple months ago, and was surprised with all the news. I should have touched basis then but haven't. It's been so long since I have talked to you...raising kids (Bekah is almost 10 & Micah almost 9...can't believe it how time flies!), working, living in a 5th wheel trailer for the last 15 months while building our house on our 1 acre lot in Nipomo (should hopefully be done in September), and helping with our new church in Nipomo. Your story hits home, since my Grandma died last September with Pancreatic cancer and just found out my Mom has/had ovarian carcoma (not carcinoma)...guess it is like really rare and only 1 in a million get it. Figures of course! Well, my Mom has had her second treatment of chemo last week and is doing well. Understand the whole thing, with chemo still going, when you probably don't have the cancer. My Mom's count was down in the 20's after her first treatment and the docs like to see it under 35, so she is already there. She is a living miracle and will beat all odds. Her chemo is 6 treatments, with each treatment lasting 30 hours. Fortunately, it is right here in SLO, so I visit her each of her days in the hospital.
    We are hoping to make it to your picnic on the 2nd. I am so encouraged how you & your family have stayed strong and all your friend support you have. I am seeing that with my Mom too...all the friends, support, and prayers coming out of the woodwork. My Mom has beat her heart disease and now this ovarian cancer with the grace of God.
    You, Dana, and your kids are in all our prayers!!

    Oh, here is our website with all the building blogs

    Take care-
    Angela Archambeault :-)
