Saturday, August 20, 2005

The crazy frog

My mom and sister have gone home, and we’re back to the boring summer routine. Work out, watch COPS, do the laundry, eat, practice golf. I went surfing Thursday afternoon with Beauch, and that was pretty good. I didn’t have the cojones to go after a few waves I should’ve, but all things in time. Felt good to be in the water again. I shot a 98 from the tips at Dairy on Wed., which was about 10 better than the week before. Next Wed., 94.

One of the saving graces of chemo and irradiation has faded also, as my so-called hair is growing back. What a pain. Ear hair, wild eyebrows, and what do I with this wispy crap on the sides and back of my head? Back to shaving it? That’s a lot of irregular surface area to screw up. I am letting it grow for now, but if Dana won’t have sex with me I am going to have to do something.

Yesterday morning when we got up, we found this frog in Woody’s water bowl, staring up at us. There was a glob of dog fur and hair (my damn hair) floating in the water, which made me think the frog got in, went hopping around, got covered in all the fur and hair and had to find some water to get the stuff off. Kinda weird. I looked on the internet for crazy frogs, and came up with this ringtone thing which was big in Europe, and drives people crazy.


  1. there are three priests,or so it seems, they look like bishops from their attire. they are in the foothills not far from the mountains, when the leader falls to the ground a twisted stick. i think that he is the leader, because of the confusion of the other two, one of whom is lame. after much deliberation, the lame one picks up the twisted stick and continues on. oh brother where art thou?

  2. ok, I'll say it before somebody else does...guess you can see why Mo and I appreciate having all you people we don't know to talk to.
    luckily we are each fairly telepathic, because as you might assume, well...conversation would be difficult.

    reckless stooge, crazy frog, John I can't wait to see your next theme

  3. All I meant to say was, the frog is like my life, flopping along dusty gutters accumulating detritus and decay, and then sloughing it off in a bowl of slightly less slimy dog water. This pool of dog water is all the frog needs.

  4. Now that Katrina has hit land, i wonder how Mac is and where is in the Great South?? Hope all is well.
