Sunday, August 14, 2005

You reckless stooge!

My mom and sister Leslie have been visiting this week, and are leaving tomorrow. We have been having a fairly low-key week, but went to see the elephant seals (not many left in the area, gone north), young John’s play (he is Wayne in State Fair), and some scenic tours of the area. Today we cruised Morro Bay on the Tiger’s Folly, complete with Sunday brunch, pretty dang good fare. Mikey has gone camping up in Big Sur, the kid is having more fun than anyone else. That’s the way it should be.

I am feeling about the same, okay, not great, kinda low energy but I am working out and walking the dog more. Looks like my new weight is 162, been stuck there a while. Last night was my last dose of 6-mercaptopurine, so we’ll see if the headaches start to lessen. I don’t have a headache all the time, but if I bend over or sneeze or strain, I get this stab right in the forehead. I can actually hold my forehead and keep the pain from coming. I wonder if there is too much blood in my head.

I start a new chemo phase soon, maybe this week, with some doses of vincristine and daunorubicin, and some cytarabine and cyclophosphamide in 4 weeks. One more big slam with the big guns, yeehah. Steroids too, so we’ll see what I weigh in October.
Don’t miss the Database of North Korean Propaganda at Especially check out the random insult generator, great stuff. You wicked reactionary!


  1. John you libidinous bisexual,
    I didn't get that from the site but I think you called me it once...
    I predict Manitobou will not be bored this week as I am sure your suggested viewing will "generate" plenty of comments.
    if YOu get bored I think you can still go to the Harry Potter site and send out howlers, they scream things at the recipient (how do I know such a wealth of useless information?)
    If your company still there, please say hello to your Ma for me and tell them their timing is good, returning to RI now that the hundred degree high morbidity days have blown past and the swell from Irene is around--not that she probably surfs but if you just like sightseeing you can watch the guys change out of wetsuits in the parking lot.
    Not that I do, since I installed that photo of Mac and his martini at sunset on my dashboard.
    Well glad you are not still watching Cops but maybe the internet is not a step up?

  2. Yeah, Pat's back!
    Yeah, John feels better!
    Yeah, one more week and I'll be on vacation!

  3. oh so you call me back just in time to leave town?!
    see the way you gotta be.
    hope you at least send a postcard to the blog...maybe something that doesn't have a north korean accent would be good?

    off to catch the last of the swell from Irene (to you west-coasters, that's a hurricane)
    Vinny is mad his surfing friends are too familiar with me and one of them actually slipped and called me "dude"...
    so I leave you with my new title, a real sign of respect and age,

    MRS. Dude

  4. Mrs. Dude, you scored! I just looked at Narragansett surf on Surfline, and it looks just like I remember it in summer - ankle to thigh high. About the same as our surf right now. Beauchemin should be back from his RI vacation, maybe we'll get in the water this weekend.

  5. John Man,
    Good luck with the next phase of treatment. The road to recovery continues. Gettin pumped up with a bunch of steroids may do wonders for the golf game distance. Could end up giving you a very Tigeresque driver.
    Hey, what the hell's up with Rhode Island? I just saw in the news this week that it's #1 in the county for DUI's. And imagine this, Alabama is way down on the list of not so much in DUIs. Ya see, that's the difference between living in Bama and a place like Rhode Island. Obviously, in R.I., if you get stopped for drinking, you get a ticket. In Bama, the cops just ask if you have some Ho-Spice handy to go with that hootch. Then, it's Party On Dude (and Mrs. Dude) from there on out.
    The North Korean shit is really scary. I ended up doing a gig for a year-and-a-half in South Korea as a result of the USS Pueblo being commandeered by those crazy bastards back in the days of die-dye fashion. I recall a time when we "acquired" some propaganda-bibles from North Korea, written in Korean. We were a little surprised to find there were American and other western politicians' names in some of the biblical stories. What a screwed up place. Wouldn't it be fun to take Kim Jong Il on a little huntin an fishin trip down in the bayou?
    And when you steered me to the Random Insult Generator, I was expecting to find some quotes there from The Little Woman. I thought it was gunna be a spousal thingy. Wow, what a relief.
    Your mention of "...too much blood in my head" is interesting. I know what you mean. I must have too much in certain parts of my body as well. In fact, The Little Woman, in her English accent, often mentions it. As an example, she just recently mentioned that I'm a bloody asshole. I guess it's the same thing but idunno.
    Gotta go. Have a great week.

  6. yeah I saw fact I eavesdropped on him talking about You to Big Earl and Etta.
    So, you want to know what he sounds like when he takes off his helmet and talks behind your back?
    He told them too bad the timing worked out that you didn't go to that job you had lined up because you would've been GREAT at it, that everything you do you do well because you are very smart and especially talented at using your genius in business; went on to say with absolute certainty that you are going to get through the next phase and be FINE--very positive that your prognosis is excellent and that you will get from here to there as well as you do everything else.
    and just so you know I am not making this up: he did brag about how leukemia let him beat you twice at golf.
    Etta is praying for you now so that should speed things up, she seems to have a direct line to the force.

    ps. does surfline show the Bahamas? Mo's company gave us a cruise! in late oct. Miami--Cococay--Nassau. A ten-year old well-traveled aquaintance says I will love Cococay it is just like Gilligans Island (is that good?!)
    oh well, as our attempt at a honeymoon was Hurricane Bob 13 years ago (and an overnight sail around the bay looking at the damage that would put Mo on overtime for the next year and 1/2 and from which I returned pregnant--like, 6 months pregnant) I am hoping better luck this time.

    I would say Mike looked to be heading directly from da plane to get you and your board but he is probably already there.

  7. Dear Mrs. Dude,
    I couldn't agree with Beauch more. John is defnitlie Da Man ta make da Little Nazi Leukemia bastards take the big perp walk.
    Based upon the above mentioned vacation experience, can we expect Mo Juniors or little Ms. Dudettes to be coming along in a few months?
    Hey, do me a favor please. If that wonderful Ms. Etta gets a free moment, please ask her to flip me some lotto numbers I can pluk a few bucks down on. Ya know, what with her connections and all . . .

  8. S'matter of fact Beauch just called and said let's go surfing, but I have to go golfing in 3 hours. I just can't do the trifecta like I used to. I don't see Bahamas on Surfline, but you could probably approximate Bahamas with South Carolina, at least for the forecast.

    Mac sure is going down a scary path with the idea of more kids, Vinnie is really 2 or 3 kids, isn't he?

  9. Mac-what? you never heard of Cruise Control?
    The idea that we could actually take a trip might be the biggest shock SINCE Vinny, but once we get it through our heads that we can leave the country, maybe we will even make it to California some day (Beauch told me to)
    But the next babies I am expecting will be my grandchildren.
    oops--wait a minute.
    Sorry, I had to go call Mama Etta and put in a request that they not arrive TOO soon or get their start in the back of a school bus.
    Mama's list is very long but based on the above mentioned algebraic interpretation, maybe an inspired system of logic such as yours could lead you to some numbers on your own. Some real winners.
    and the prayer I am saying without Etta is:
    oh, GOD I hope Mo is not tuning into the blog this week so he won't become the next statistic listed in your DUI capital of the world file.
    love you guys,
    Grandma Dude

  10. Pat, a previous boss’s (stoner) son addressed me as “dude” once. (This was right after he asked if I could change his fathers in progress Aeroflot flight so his father could arrive in time for his volleyball game at USC.) I reminded him that I was a dudette, not a dude and I didn’t have much pull with changing flights out of Russia that were already in progress. That’s when he said “oh well, thanks dude”. So Pat and Mac, I really related to your dude/dudette comments.

    John, glad to hear you are well enough to hit the golf course and hope the headaches have subsided. I was going to make some comments about bending over, sneezing and straining but I trust you can imagine what twisted, puerile thoughts course through my brain. Speaking of which, check out

    Just in time I am going on vacation! Pat, do not think you can sluff off while I am gone. I will be checking in from the wilds of I-de-Ho-Spice.

  11. Dear Fellow(ette) Vacationers,
    Must be that time of year. The Little Woman and I are off on Wednesday to the Great Pacific Northwest, where I will golf until my parts are ridden with the pain and discomfort normally assoicated with itchy testicles and head frying.
    Manitouboo, there are some real crazy cats on that rathergood site. Hope you have a wonderful time in I-de-Ho-Spiceland.
    P-p-p-p-pat, ya get those numbers yet from Mama Etta? I need six numbers. I can't do it on my own. I have fallen down and I can't get up. When's yer vacation? If yer off soon, remember to use protection. And, if you go out in the sun, use sunscreen too.
    John, how'd the golf game go? Beat anybody we know? Hope you're feeling great.
    Let there be martinis.

  12. As usual you two are way ahead of me--we are not going until October 21st... so I will be here waiting for some good stories, or potato headettes, whichever come first.
