Sunday, July 31, 2005

Allergic to sneezing

Every time I step out of the shower, I sneeze four times, and I am never well equipped at the moment - the towel I am drying with, and the kleenex box too far away. Love getting clean and then sneezing all over myself.

Another uneventful week. No more dizziness, just a lot of headaches, which I am beginning to think must be allergies. I am going to take allegra tonight, see if that stops the sneezing and headaches, and start up the chemo routine again, just pills. The doc thinks I should get one more spinal/chemo shot this week, and that seems like a good idea, so we’ll probably do that Friday. He reminded me that all my tests are good although the headaches trouble him, and that this is a long haul, and I should forget about feeling really good for another year or so. The headaches and dizziness could be the result of the chemo, and for crying out loud, both allegra and methotrexate, which I will take in an hour, both caution that dizziness is a side effect. He says he has patients that are ten+ years done with this treatment and fine.

I tried golfing Wed., really weak, even when I hit it well it didn’t go far. I am down to 161 pounds and really concentrating on eating, and I don’t do much, so where the hell is it going? Gotta hit the gym and the driving range. I’ve been really boring and bored, watching TV and sleeping. If you watch Cops enough you really get a sad idea of the state of the drug war in this country. Giant court, police and prison bureaucracies will keep that war going for a long time, and we will all suffer from the madness. Put everyone on prozak and Zoloft!
Thanks for all the positive inputs and thoughts, the long battle continues, it could be worse, I could be hooked on meth. Yikes. Check these photos.


  1. John,
    I'm quite sure too much of the Cops show is not good for you, or anyone else for that matter. In fact, that's what could be screwing up your golf game, causing all that dizziness and bringing on the shower-sneezing snot symptoms. Hell, just looking at those pictures of meth-induced folks could get anybody all screwed up for at least a couple of days. Shit, try watching old John Wayne films. Even CSPAN would be a relief (except for pics of John Kerry).
    This past weekend's golfing excursions/wagers have not been kind to the poor little feline furry buddies at home. It's back to climbing the trees for nocturnal tree frogs to find for feed for the famished furry friends to fang and fancy as a fallback for the fallacy of their fanatic father from whom no fanfare came forth from farflung farrows or farmyards of fodder where frequent flushes of food fount faithfully from foresty fortunes of frontiers like fulltilt first aid of fumigated fruitcake or frosting falling faintly from fructose-laden fullbacks of fallen fledglings . . .
    Sumbitch, what have I done. There's too many f-ing f-s in here. Hey, it must be poemry.
    Take care buddy and keep on the mend.

  2. Where is everybody? Pat, Jeanne, Mo, Frank, et al? Mac needs some stimulus to respond to and I need some relief from this desk job! Deb G you are not off the hook either!

  3. Hi Lisa
    and Johnny, Spud, and sufferin succotash my southern sweetheart so saddened by my silence, slip siding sideways to consolo himself with that poemry again.

    while I have been uncharacteristicly shuttin up (wellll shut up shuttin up!)
    I have still been listening...loved your comment about not fighting the recovery; never heard it put together quite like that--and something we all could learn!
    even if it must have been a shock for John to be able to sleep that much.

    John we had our annual dinner cooked by Earl and Randy last night--it was not the same without you fiores.
    for one thing, Pauly got away with way too much but that is because I have been practicing shuttin up in person, too.
    let some of these people trying to get a word in edgewise for decades try to remember what that word was...

    thanks for keeping on blogging and Mac do not worry we are still in love, this f thing will pass

