Saturday, August 02, 2008

Unabashed Hope

These faces on the Gates of Hell remind me of how people's faces look when they are body-surfing and are just about to go over the falls of a bigger wave - a little apprehensive. I am having a very lazy Saturday, somewhat apprehensive. I am stuck on the IV pole as my hematocrit (red cells) level went low and I am getting 2 units of blood dripped into me, which takes about 5 hours. My WBC dropped too, still healthy, no mask, but ....

The doctors seemed to think it was unusual for there to be any slippage given how well I had recovered, but then they agree my whole blood recovery has been unusual and it may be the neupogen that I am no longer getting. At any rate, I was planning on a relaxed Saturday after a great visit from Mike and Jack, but the doctor's crossed arm/scratching chin/shifting feet meeting made me a little anxious.

Jack and Mike and I went for a lot of walks and explored a lot of the campus, probably too much. I can hear Dana saying, 'That is why your blood is worn out today.' Maybe, but more likely the positive effects of the neupogen are wearing down and I am having a more normal recovery, a little downtime.

This campus is huge. We went to one of the cafes and had a big burger and fries lunch, tested out the no gallbladder method, works fine. Looked at all the architecture and gardens. Since it was Friday afternoon there were fewer people about, but a lot of student orientation groups. It looks like a Stanford education is a deal with the weak dollar!

We found this totem of Boo-Qwilla, who it turns out is a focal point for healing, according to the sign (I hope you can read it).

We even walked over to Stanford Golf Course where Tiger Woods played his college golf. It was about 6pm when we got there, and the marshall was really nice to us, loaded us in a 6 seater cart and gave us a tour of the entire course. I should have taped it!

Now this sign has bothered me since I first came to SUMC in '05, but maybe I am just picky. Who can tell me why I find this sign funny, here at Stanford with all these smart people? Eldra? Mom?

I am going to make this a short post. They gave me benadryl to counter any blood transfusion effects and dang if it isn't making me sleepy. It is time for 2:00sie soup too.


  1. Sorry to hear about the blood going into the downer mode John. I hope you get back to a more normal level soon. Tommorow would be acceptable.

    That had to be pretty cool to get a tour of the golf course. SLAC was a customer of mine years ago (1981-ish) but it was before I fell in love with the golf game. Crap, I don't even remember the golf course being there. Now, of course, I know if there's one within a 100 mile radius of wherever I am.


  2. ok, I was taking a little break off commenting (euphemistic way to say giving you a break)
    maybe because I looked back and noticed all my comments said the same thing...
    NOT that I couldn't think up a hundred more ways to say it, but,,,

    anyway, after your call to tell me I should write a book, I got nervous enough to figure I'd better maintain my presence here; so, I did a little research and looked up what the sign on the totem pole said. I couldn't read it on my big screen apple which I'm sure has nothing to do with old eyes that took to heart my mother's adage "books are your friends" and spent way too much time with my 'friends'.

    in case anybody else wondered, here it is:

    "Boo Qwilla" was carved in 1995 from an ancient red cedar tree and today stands in a grove of trees in front of the School of Business (right). Beside it a plague explains the "Boo Quilla" story: "On this totem pole, Thunderbird, with wings outstretched, towers overhead. He perches on top of Raven, the creator of Earth, Light, and Consciousness. Raven’s wings encompass the headress of Boo Quilla, a person of knowledge, wisdom, and achievement. Legend affirms this ancestral human is Raven's most prized creation who is charged with the safekeeping of knowledge and the preservation of the Earth. At the base, a supernatural Killerwhale transforms into a Wolf. This creature possesses magical healing powers which aid humankind."

    found at:

    thanks for your call about my calling.
    maybe I do a comment a day like Sue does daily painting and we'll all end up with a book.

    maybe I've come a long way since thinking books are my friends...maybe I have REAL friends now, here at what Lisa so aptly called the blog bar.
    is it imperative that I've actually MET the people?!

    is this enough for today?!?!?

    in case you said no, one last thought...
    you sounded a little worried about the authorities finding out about your hiking. pretty sure the Willy Mays entry covered that contingency in advance.
    can you say hippa law?

  3. JF
    We are home from the beach (we go early to feel like salmon swimming upstream against the incoming traffic on our way home...
    now, hanging around
    listening to the newport folk festival live on

    This is what people in RI do—ok, we can see the bridge from here, but it is too far to drive.
    My computer is faster than Mo’s in the next room, so there is an echo...
    But you’re 3 hours earlier than both of us, so you could probably make predictions and we'd believe you.
    Do you think Brandi Carlyle will cover a Johnny Cash song? it's just a feeling we have...

    hope there is no bad blood between you and yourself today; meanwhile

    Mo is compiling some mp3s to send you--from his various recorded collections of himself playing guitar; maybe you heard about his first "release", Live From The Paint Bay?...if they have any medicinal effect, maybe your shrubbery will grow into a big tree.

    Mullaney and Mancini

  4. John, I hope you had a better day today on the blood front.

    Hey, what am I - chopped redneck? No one offered me one of Mo's best selling CDs.

    Pat, you are The Woman ! ! ! Penning that first book sounds like a great idea.

    The little kitties will be happy for a while. I won $40 yesterday and $15 today on the golf course; that's almost 4 months of cat food.


  5. Mac Honey not to worry.

    If John gets the greatest hits compilation, you get the whole 10cd set. (not that an amateur such as myself can tell them apart)
    Least I can do--I mean it's his blog, but without you alternating comments with me the pressure would be too much!

    I believe we still have your contact information in the database of four people who bought the rock-on walking sticks, so you are good2go, baby, save your money for little kitty golf balls, teach the pets to play.

    hey is anybody out there lazy as me and tuned into that festival link I mentioned? the Levon Helm set was great, got me through cooking dinner. but Mo and I sat here eating, talking about what are we coming to (can we really be this age?!!

    the commentary about these performers from the soundtrack of our 20s is all about what they've survived and/or lost (throat cancer in Levon's case/plus most of his friends...

    and another thing! (isn't there always?)
    anybody remember the years we saw Arlo, Bobby and Joanie, grandpa Pete Seeger?
    the grand finale coming up is...
    Jimmy Buffett (?)
    these parrothead kids today, huh?
    don't mind me if you're mixing margaritas as we speak.

  6. Oh Pat, you take me on such a trip with all that old, ah, I mean, uhm, former music. Buffett, another Bama boy.

    Oh yeah, hi John. Don't mind us hijacking the b bar.


  7. Oh Pat, you take me on such a trip with all that old, ah, I mean, uhm, former music. Buffett, another Bama boy.

    Oh yeah, hi John. Don't mind us hijacking the b bar.


  8. ok the party's over.
    your bama boy blocked his part of the show from NPR broadcast...and just when my brother-in-law had his jack russell terrier dressed up like a parrot and everything. I'm talking to my sister on the phone and I can hear him in the background yelling Jude? put the flippers away.
    not all the fans are south of the mason dixon line, I guess...

    John? where's John?

    we've kept the infield chatter going for a while here today but I am wondering how are you doing. I sure hope you are ok and not apprehended busting Willie out to hit a few grounders onto Tiger's old course.

    keep in touch when you can...c'mon, our blog is your blog
