Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Dana is really wanting to do some traveling this summer; we haven't gone anywhere in years, thanks to leukemia. Australia was right up there on the list, and fares just dropped quite a bit, but my doctor reminded me that we aren't out of the woods yet and they don't want me too far away, in case some version of graft versus host pops up. The end of the woods are 18 months from day zero, meaning around April 2010. Whose woods these are I think I know. Criminy!

Maybe Quebec or Montreal for a week this summer. I am very open to any suggestions. If you have the inclination, post a comment with your favorite vacation that was in North America. Spring Break is coming up, starting April 10, and we have been trying to meet up with my brother and his wife in Bryce Canyon or Zion, in SW Utah, for a few years. This may be the chance if we don't mind the cold, 25 at night and 55 in the day. I'd prefer camping but not in that temperature. The Stone Canyon Inn cabins look nice.
http://www.stonecanyoninn.com/cabins.html Any advice is appreciated.

Another boring day in store for me. I will get the corned beef in the slow cooker in a minute, and then putter around on household chores, then go to the practice area at the golf course for a while, and then come back to finish cooking dinner. What a life, so stressful. I feel bad for Dana, who has had to increase her stress level while mine drops, as long as I don't ponder the future too much. And I don't.


  1. so - why hasn't Nicaragua entered your summer plans? We've got warm weather 80 degree plus water and offshore winds. It's time to hit the surf and go tropical.
    By June 17th our house will be 99.9% done and waiting for guests.

  2. I am holding out on the Nicaragua and Costa Rica trips until the return of my muscles enough to surf. THe boat is lighter at 160 lbs, but the engine is weaker at ten pushups. I predict August at earliest. And I have to be within 5 hours of Palo Alto until April 2010 (I messed up the date on the original post and said 2011). I hope you will give us a raincheck on that offer, we'd love to see Nicaragua!

  3. my strength if it is coming back at all is about one third of what it was in jan 08. Any 8tk or 9th grader with a semester of high school weight training can out lift me. IN may of 2000 I finally hit a 300lb bench press. Right now I can bench a whopping 135 for 3. this is a warm up weight for most lifters. I did lose 60 lbs during the treatment and I found out that radition does inhibit muscle growth. also I have graft vs host attacking my eyes.I am on prednisone among other muscle wasting drugs. So the moral of the story is that strength seems to come back very very slowly. Bill mcniff

  4. Bill, 135 isn't bad, don't know if I could do it. I did 1 pushup a couple months ago, and I did 16 this morning. Getting there.

  5. John,

    So sorry hear the Doc is putting a damper on your camper.

    You made me hungry for corned beef and cabbage. I was still in Japan on St. Patty’s Day and missed the festivities. However, I made my mark by eating a green seaweed salad.

    Per your request, here’s my recommendation for a nice getaway.

    I fell in love with the Hood Canal area of the Puget Sound many years ago. This is where TLW and I have some property on the Alderbrook Golf and Yacht Club. http://www.alderbrookgolf.com/golf/proto/alderbrookgolf/

    There’s a first class place to stay as well, if you want to pamper yourself and Miss D. a little. http://www.alderbrookresort.com/

    If you decide you want to rough it and go camping, here’s a pretty cool camp ground: http://www.parks.wa.gov/parkpage.asp?selectedpark=Twanoh

    From this area, the Olympic Peninsula is on one side and the Kitsap Peninsula is on the other. http://www.visitkitsap.com/ http://www.olympicpeninsula.org/

    Here’s also a general link about the Hood Canal: http://www.explorehoodcanal.com/blog/tag/hood-canal/

    Keep a goin John

