Sunday, July 27, 2008

Crampin my style

Dana here. Guest blogger, at John's suggestion. John is having a rough day today. It started with cramping legs and fingers yesterday, and then, maybe as a result of the mix of meds, vomiting this morning and continuing lethargy today. (I have a clutch so I will spare you the gory details.) We did get out for a short walk but he's wobbly and woozy and mostly just wants to sleep. I know he wanted to blog today but between the cramping and the sleepiness, it will have to wait until later. He did eat his lunch and seemed to rally for a bit. We requested that today's visiting musicians visit the room but they haven't made it by yet and John is sleeping now again.

Hopefully, the next entry will be by your usual, and far more entertaining host. I will leave you with a quote that was left on John's breakfast tray this morning by "The Spiritual Care Service" here at Stanford. It was strangely comforting to me.

"It is only the women whose eyes have been washed clear with tears who get the broad vision that makes them little sisters to all the world." Dorothy Dix

Keep those good thoughts and prayers coming. We appreciate every one.


  1. Oh, heck. So sorry to hear it's a bad day. I think you've given us all a bit of a reality jolt. As long as John's posting his intellectual, philosophical (over my head sometimes) rants... all is still right with the world and he's the endearing John we look to who'll get us all through these trials together.

    Guess we'll have to step our part up a bit and be there for you. Not a hard thing to do, we love you all.

  2. Ditto that!
    Lots and lots of love,
    Lisa in SB

  3. Hang in there John and Dana, I'm off to get marrow tested tomorrow! We love you! Frank (and Cheryl)

  4. Hi Dana:

    What a beautiful quote to find on the tray. Brings to mind this one:

    "The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea." -Isak Dinesen

    Please give John a big hug for me, an old RI friend.

    Martha Miller (Sue B's sister)

  5. John and Dana, Here's another quote for you: “Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.” - Overby (found through Google, but it seemed appropriate under the circumstances). There'll soon be more Fiore blood coming your way from North Carolina. Love, Lisa (and Manuel)

  6. thanks, Dana,

    for keeping the story going...tough as it is, I think we'd rather know than wonder...

    and ps. I might've leaned a little heavy on my poetic license when I said I don't skip any parts...while John is asleep may I admit I don't look at the teeth pictures and I skim a lot of the scatological details...which is the long way of saying that I think your line about "the clutch" is better than anything I've seen in the hundreds of how-to-write-a-book-about-writing books I've read (and obviously ignored.

    we should all be sending all the chocolate and trees he talks about to YOU!

  7. John's having another rough morning but anti-nausea drugs are on the way. He did finally feel much better last night and rallied enough to beat me at both Cribbage and Gin. I hope he will feel well enough to post today. Meanwhile, Lisa F. and Martha, I love both of your quotes. Thank you, and Lisa, I know Frankie is getting tested today too. We haven't heard yet if Jo Anna and Leslie got their kits but they must have by now.

    Lisa S. and others who are frustrated trying to post comments. I can't explain why they don't all show up here but I can tell you that we get some that don't show up here, like yours about "Cry Havoc" Lisa, which John loved and has up on his wall here now.

    Also, Pat, I guess I have to come clean about the clutch line, now that you have admired it so. That is a borrowed Johnism, so go ahead and send the tree to him. Both John and I read your comments and just shake our heads, not only at your way with words, but at your memory! Vinnie and Maurice probably never get away with anything, do they?

    Gael, we feel you, sweetie. Thanks for checking in.

    Frank and Cheryl, hugs and hopes!

  8. John Da Man (or Dear Yoda),

    I'm sorry it's been a down day for you my friend. I hope you’re back to a more normal routine tomorrow.

    I've been out of town and overly engaged for a few days and had to catch up on the blogosphere today.

    Although I hate to admit it at this late stage but, yes, I am already on steroids - have been for about a year and a half now. Not nearly the dosage you're dealing with John. For those of you out there who believe I’m about a quart and a half low (as does my wife), that might explain it. Well, that’s the only excuse I can come up with - that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    Since there has been some recent dialogue about your writings during this strange time, I have to admit that I certainly do not understand why any of this is happening to you and your family. I do know this though. Your strength and fortitude give the rest of us a unique opportunity to see how a true, brave warrior goes into battle against an enemy he cannot see, does not know where they came from, has no real idea of where they’re hiding, what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. John, you are very special. I know you’ll continue to give it your all and we will be there with you – fighting and doing whatever it is that needs to be done.

    As for my rantings, I’m a big believer in the school of thought that humor has its place in the world of healing. If I can make you laugh or smile once in a while, I can’t help but believe that has a positive impact.

    With that note, I’ll take off for the day. I have to scoop out the cat poop from the litter box, take out the trash and fun things like that, which make us all thankful that we’re able to be home to pick up cat shit vs. being in the hospital. Your situation and how you handle it brings things into focus for many of us John. And if it doesn’t, it should.

    Keep up the fight buddy.


  9. look out old Mackie's back!
