Friday, February 25, 2005

Answers to comment questions

KJ, send us your email address

Will my hair fall out? Yes it will, supposedly. I just gave a tug to a little spot, and got a lot of hair! It has maybe 2 weeks. I was looking at back waxing and electrolysis ads to see what I am saving, though, and this is BIG!

Why no manly muscle - didn't want to stress the PICC line!

Can you self-hypnotize, fire up the process? I was trying to talk to the bone marrow when I was on the bike, and I wonder if all the walking didn't create some demand, and the hypnosis certainly made some conditions that my body/psyche 'believed' already to be heightened, I think. So, I think so, if all goes right.

If you were doing Republican golf you wouldn't lose $20, you would take a write-off. You must be a Progressive at heart, probably grew up in mining country.

No poor nurses, the nurses love me because I do not use them as maids. I am going to have to write a piece on how to be a good patient.

Nausea - I think this had more to do with the fever/seats/chills of that night than the chemo. I may still hit some nausea, but the process is a lot more accurate than in the past.

Why do ya gotta clean your mouth so much? The mucous membranes are very susceptible to cutting so you can't use a toothbrush or floss, and instead you brush with this soft sponge, rinse with saline and then with peridex and then nystatin, 5 times a day. And now my teeth are turning brownish/green.

What's a sun salute? A yoga exercise (Surya Namaskar) that stretches arms, legs, abdomen and back. See

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