Monday, February 14, 2005

First update, I am a balloon

OK, here is the first of my updates and random thoughts.

When they get you in the hosp, they are looking for leaks basically, so they treat you like a flat tire. First they fill you way up with blood and saline, then find the leaky spots, let some fluid out, plug the big leaks, then they do it again until you are fixed. Right now, I am way over-inflated. My fluids in are way up, and fluids out are not, netting me a whopping gain of 20 pounds! 190! Holy smoly! So for now I am off the saline until we get the bloat down.

I decided to take advantage of this major bloating for Valentine's Day. Dana was out shopping for a laptop today, so I went hunting for some cash I had in the room, found only $15, and went to the gift shop. I could either get her a nice Get Well card or some bad earrings. I did see some mylar ballooons, but they were all Get Well also. That is when it struck me, I could turn myself into a mylar balloon! With the bloating factor and a few more pitchers of water I had the right proportions. I shaved my stomach, tapped out the words 'I Love You Dana' on my stomach, and in 2 hours had a red balloon with purple letters (bruises) that said 'I Love You Dana'. Brilliant. Lasts longer than mylar too.

I actually stuffed all the pajamas and sheets and towels I could find in the room in my shirt and pants today, put on my mask, and walked the halls of the nearby nurses station. I was going to say 'Well, I feel a little bloated today' if I could get any attention, but nothing! Not a glance, all too busy. I actually sat at the internet terminal doing email until I was too hot, and had to go shed the cloth bloat. Apparently this is serious stuff here.

The docs will figure the bloating out. They sent me for x-rays this am. 2 guys show up with a wheelchair and take me to x-ray, they take the x-ray, then the tech says he'll send for someone to bring me back. I told him I will just take myself back, so I start wheeling out of there, and I'm 100' down this main corridor, people everywhere, when I remember I have no problem with walking, and in fact need the exercise. You know what happens next - I leap out of the chair, yell through my HEPA mask 'I'm cured!', and push the wheelchair down the corridor. All those people and only the security guard reacted. Sheesh.

Had the third round of chemo last night, no problems. That is the end of the heavy duty stuff this week. The current state of anti-nausea meds is so good, and they are giving me double, that I may not have any problems, I may have the pukes in 2-3-4 weeks, I may not puke at all. I may puke at your house in 4 months and blame the meds.

A lot of people have asked if I am really in good spirits, or am I hiding the true dark feelings. The dark feelings are there, but they are like the dog poop in the back yard. When they build up, the smell starts to invade the house, and you have to go out and bag them up and throw them in the garbage. Which reminds me, I asked the boys to clean the yard, I hope that got done.

Keep the thoughts and support coming, shoot me an email, send me embarrassing photos of your co-workers and the Survivor tapes and American Idol tryouts you didn't send in. I am staying surprisingly busy, but I will find time to check out your stuff. I am sure this will get better, so look out.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, "I'm cured!" I wonder what the security guard did. Sounds like you're causing quite a ruckus up there.

