Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Got any spare white blood cells man?

WBC hit the magic 1.0, parole is imminent! The docs are toying with me, said probably not Wednesday, but things are looking good, pretty sure by Friday. I think the docs thought I was getting lazy with what I was requesting from my bone marrow, and also Accounting called them and said Don’t let Fiore go, this guy is golden, we charge for all extra menu items and he is on fire! So I ordered a lot less today, increased the pace on the walks and hit the 10,000 steps (actually 3000 to go as I write this at 7pm), asking for WBCs.

And, I got a card in the mail today that read “To John, Happy Birthday + Best Wishes, Larry Bird ”. Unbelievable. Dana sent this card to Larry Bird and asked him to sign it and send it to me, and he did, that is so cool. The nurses say I can’t let anyone touch it, I need to protect it, so I have it in my underwear right now. Most of you don’t know that I offered Larry my back as a transplant just before he retired, but he turned me down as it would have been about a foot short on him. I love that guy, I am naming the badassest white blood cell I can find after him. Dana you rock! I was impressed the second I met you, and I am going to be impressed by you the next time I see you too. Real impressed!

Kickass WBCs
Back in the college days I learned that memory exists on a cellular level - Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, so to speak. Meaning the history of the evolution of the species is reflected in the evolution of the individual. So knowing that I would never shave before an exam, in case what I had studied was in those cells that would be shaven. I think my WBCs that are left are probably some of the meanest toughest scrappiest WBCs around, and can kick most WBCs asses any day, because they remember all those other scraps.

Almost all the other low WBC patients (neutropenic) are sick with some level of infection, and they have hardly if ever left this isolation ward. There are eight patients, I think, and I have only seen one other, and she is about 24 with a husband and 1-year old, and looks healthy. Lots to fight for, me too. Anyway, my WBCs compel to go roam the hospital full of sick people, just to go and pick fights with some germs, they need the workout and aggression release! It finally dawned on me while I was passing the Emergency Room full of hacking spewing people, I have to be picking up a germ here and there, although I scrub like I am going into OR when I get back to sanctuary.

My last two WBCs (after Patton died of old age), Joshua Chamberlain and Ghost 4-6, have recruited Genghis Khan, Evander Holyfield, Larry Bird (never loses), Butch Cabral, the ‘03-05 New England Patriots, the ‘04 Red Sox, John Nelson, Mrs. Mullaney, Joanne and my Mom and big brother Frank. And all the badassest dudes you ever heard of but I can’t think of. These WBCs will kill any germ that even thinks of touching me, and are in fact out looking for them in the bars and gyms of my body as we speak. Dana took ten days to beat the cold, I kicked it in 3 (OK, I am ignoring the antibiotic IVs I am still getting). I have a small but growing army of really nasty, street fighting, gouge your eyes and squeeze your windpipe killer WBCs. Don’t mess with them.

I was considering my cosmic diatribe of yesterday too, and in retrospect, if I am even close to right, you could each donate me a couple or more of your badassest WBCs too. I would even take raw recruits, hell, we’ll train them to kill. Here is how we do it. If we are all cosmically connected at some God/energy level, you basically send me the WBCs through your connection. Everyone’s connection is a little different, I am not sure how that works but I am not sure how my cable modem works and it does.
Dial up, turn on, kneel down, look up, put your hands together, look down, sing, shout, whisper, shimmy, shake, think it, however you do it, send me some WBCs. Whatever you can spare, don’t get yourself sick. I know a lot of you have been doing this, and it has helped, but I am looking for a surge here. I would say let’s time it if it weren’t for time bending and twisting all around the universe. Just do it when you can in the next five minutes. Tomorrow (maybe Thursday if it takes awhile?) the docs are going to say Well Fiore your WBCs took a nice jump, grab the wife, you’re going home to sniff your kids’ heads and get hair everywhere.

Why Me?
I was talking to a friend on the phone today and it came to me that there is a reasonable answer to the Why Me? Why did I get this? It occurred to me that I got it so that I could make this BLOG. I have always been an observer and a writer or thought I was. Why else would I suffer the joke of being completely healthy and in the hospital with a disease? So that I could walk around noting the weird, comical and tragic scenes, and the odd emotions they stir in me. It happened to me because I will walk up to anyone and engage them in some conversation in what is going on. While wearing a pink mask that I have to shout through.

I ran into another pink mask guy in front of the main entrance, right in front of the cafeteria, on the afternoon walk. I gave him the big thumbs up and he waved me to come over. The guy was maybe about 55, graying hair and scraggly beard under a hooded Minnesota Vikings sweatshirt, and his HEPA was not connected around the back of his neck. He says Hey buddy, how are you, hey can you show me how to connect this thing? So I wave him over to a less congested area, in front of the fake leather jacket, and there we are, dressed like homeless guys (this t-shirt is getting pretty ratty from hand-washing), heads and masks together, shouting at each other in this unintelligible language.

I show him how mine connects, hook through loop. He is fumbling away with it and actually pulls the mask down to his chin, and I say Man keep that thing on here. This is about the worst spot to do that. I tell him to put his thumbs on the critical pieces and he can feel it and he gets it. Tells me he is waiting for a liver transplant, his is full of junk and not working and just sloshing around and hurts all the time, and he sloshes it around to show me. He says he has to get sicker or the livers will keep going to other people first. What a concept.

I continue to feel totally healthy. The cold of last week is entirely gone. I weigh 171, in spite of yesterday. I am hanging in here, staying entertained, reading less than I hoped even. Some things that used to interest me and that I thought would keep me busy have not held that much interest, like crossword puzzles or playing PC games, or TV.

On the afternoon walk I sat down at the Information desk with the Information lady, a nice 70 year old, survivor of something. I wanted to know how far away the nearest place I could buy eyeglasses was. I needed some high magnification glasses to do the bead kit Melanie sent me, and it turns out they were right in the gift shop. The lady in the gift shop didn’t want to just take a credit card number from me, but I pointed out that I could phone it in and send a gift to my room, no ID and no questions asked, and here she can see my patient bracelet. I have done this a bunch of times, and it is funny how people usually tilt their head when they consider whether you are scamming them.

Anyway, the Info lady had this collection of Jumble puzzles cut out from the paper. I am the king of the jumble, it is an OCD thing I have always had, rearranging words in my head, and I can usually do the daily Jumble in my head in less than a minute. So I asked her about them, and she says she does them but on a separate paper and then she sends piles of them to a friend. She shows me this drawer full of them, including the 6 letter 6 word Sunday Super. We sat there and had us a little Jumble competition, and it was close, she was pretty good.


  1. John I am using a small medium in RI to channel this message to you--luckily she can type.
    thanks for naming a cell in my honor. it means a lot to me, coming from one of the pair whose basketball landed that bastard Mr. Griffin on the ice.
    Do you remember the time I took Freddy Bevans' air gun and blew the crab-apples from all over the road at Old Lady Bat? that is what my cell will do to any germs that dare to cross the line and go near you.
    why? because I am a wise woman who always knew that all appearances to the contrary, my kids were safe with you.
    so don't worry--have some coffee, watch what you say in the middle of the night in front of a closed door, and try to be polite to the old son of a bitches who watch over you.
    you're a good boy, you just play with the bad ones.

  2. A card from Larry Bird. Dana, very nice job.
    John, unless you have been waiting all your life for a token from the famous Birmingham talkradio redneck duo of Rick & Bubba, I'm afraid I can't contribute much along those lines.
    I hope you are feeling my WBC impulses coming your way. Hell, too bad there's not a way for me to simply take this extra 20% of myself I'm carrying around and send it your way to salvage whatever you need from it.
    Sorry you're not making it home today but it sounds as though the SLO trip is right around the corner.

  3. You already know you are welcome to any of my WBCs you want though clearly, they are wimpy compared to yours. I plan to send them the message that being nice doesn't cut it when it comes to battle. I don't have much (read:any) fight experience but I think I could muster up a fair amount of meaness to help someone I love so much. So I'm sending you one WBC pumped up with a good dose of whatever hormone that is that hits me at certain times of the month, suited up for combat with the mom-standard eyes-in-the-back-of-her-head and that teacher stare I've perfected that makes you change your mind if you're even thinking about trying something. I'm packing her a lunch and giving her a kiss as she goes out the door, just for good measure. Oh, and I told her to get some pointers from Mrs. Mullany who sounds like she really knows what she's doing.

    Love ya babe,

  4. Hey John Boy,

    If you hang out another day, I'll come down & visit (if allowed). My company (in Redwood City) was just acquired by DHR (NYSE)and I think I need to get there to square away some HR stuff with the takeover! Co-incidence?

    Have generated (read Manifested) numerous WBCs to overwhelm you and the hospital & will continue to throughout the day & week. I am actually quite adept as I have been cosmically sending various things to various people (quite successfully) over the last few years.

    You around tomorrow? email me @

    Eraq The Barbarian

  5. Ok John. Are you ready? I am sending you the most bad ass WBC I have. It will smack you in the forehead and undoubtedly knock some hair off the back of your head and may also scorch the hair of anyone within 10 feet of you. (Sorry, but it’s worth the sacrifice) I call it “Baby Bad Ass” as it may not be as big and powerful as some, but it is subtle and strong! Here it comes ….Baby Bad Ass WBC from Santa Barbara, CA,
    Xo, Lisa

  6. Yo BroJo: Speaking of WBC's I understand that my dear friend RA generates mass quantities of soldier cells, like rampaging rebel soldiers just cruising for some hapless infecting cell to machine-gun to death in the streets, a la Somalia warlords. These are pretty mean critters. Plus I have the same blood type as you so if you ever need any of these lawless thug cells to back up your legal ones, just let me know. I can spare plenty of them. Only problem is I haven't figured out yet how to call them off going after the civilians once they've butchered the invaders. Glad to hear the Bird-man has spotted you for a pass from outside the key. Swish!!! love to you and Dana the Devine, F

  7. whaddya want from me, BLOOD?!
    isn't it enough my mother always liked you best?!
    gotta go, I think Randy needs a ride to go get his autographed card from Ernie DiGrigorio.
    then after that I am headed to Alabama to see if I can find this guy, Mac, maybe apply for a job working backstage at his show.
    geeze,for this kind of entertainment, I'd work the catering table.

  8. John, i just donated blood at work on Monday, so i am regenerating blood cells as we i am sending you a BRAND NEW, NEVER BEEN USED, STILL IN IT'S ORIGINAL PACKAGE, KICK ASS, MO-FO LEAN MEAN FIGHTIN' ONE!!! Hell, that was pretty easy, anything else you need???

  9. john
    so did the info lady beat you?

  10. It is large of you to use a small medium to send these to me, Mrs. M. I have been doing driver's training with my son and thinking back to those days. Your kids probably weren't always safe with me, Mrs. M, and I am sorry about that, happy we survived it, but always safe? We had that '58 Chevy Del Ray airborne.

    Thanks for all the WBCs, everyone, the fresh, the new, the Killer Elite, the babies with killer immunogens. It is hard to explain the jump of 60% in one day, the docs were a little amazed, but I knew when I was having the flash to request this that it somehow would work.

    Pat, meet Mac, who should have a WBC named after him too, he can kill you in so many ways. Mac, meet Pat, who is so cryptic in a lot of what she says she could have been in some of your past lives. You guys are members of the same karass.

    And D, anyone that can squeeze Larry for a card has a ton of fight. I am coming to find you right now to snag a few of your WBCs in the direct transfer way, know what I mean?

  11. And did the info lady beat me? At Jumble? Please, I have Jumble OCD, and she was merely obsessed. She couldn't get ideas from aides.

  12. Hey leave my old dead sainted mom out of this. What's the big idea telling her about the 58 Chevy being airborne?!!

    You trying to get us all in trouble?

    If you want to kill germs why don't you go to OB gas dock and fill the fuel tanks while smoking a Marlboro. The 58 looked a lot better with flames comin' out from the grille and hood!

    Is someone painting WBC's on your Buick LeSabre? Thats what guys your age drive right??

    Glad to hear that you been released,


  13. We won't get in trouble with your Mom, she was on our side mostly, great woman. And holy moly Timmy, that is an awesome idea for the car, WBCs in an epic battle scene with germs painted on the sides of my BMW 528it wagon, platelets starting to cover a bleeder, RBCs carrying O2 molecules around. Yowza. I gotta call Pimp My Ride. This has a ton of merit, pull out the I am sick card, this bird will fly.

  14. Hi there,

    First of all if I knew it I would have sent you the best foreign WBC s you could think of;of course as much as u needed. but I belive I heard the news a little bit late (the miles and the time difference between us.

    Hope you are getting better&better each day.

    Anything you want from here???

