Thursday, March 03, 2005

A mundane day

Me and the boys
It was great to be home last night, but the dang hospital routine was hanging on me like a 3-week boot camp. We never did shave the hair in the hosp., just wanted to beat the traffic and get home, and we thought Mikey really wanted to pluck some. He was a little grossed out – if you used the force to say pick a potato chip out of your hair, you got about 30 hairs. See the photo. Mike took a pluck, and was about to start grabbing fistfuls, so we agreed it was time to shed.


So at 10pm we went in the yard and left the hair out there instead of all over the bed and house.


Dana was starting to feel her cold coming back all day, and by 11 pm was asleep in bed. I, on the other hand, was wide awake and banging away. Dana was going to sleep on Mike’s top bunk so as not to infect me – going to be a little cautious until the WBCs are way up there. I told her just to sleep in our bed, she needs to recuperate more than I, and I am fine. Not only that, I am used to the foreign bed at this point. So she goes to bed, and finally I go to bed at 12:30, just as in the hosp, and fall asleep at 1:00. Unfortunately I wake up at 5:00, waiting for the stupid blood draw that of course is not coming. Damn routinization. Wish I had asked for a sleeping pill for a couple nights, should’ve anticipated this.

Dana was up early too, and we cuddled and cried and talked on the couch for a long time, working through a lot of tension and emotion until the boys started rising at 7:00. Sure was nice to be home for the day, and it sure was easy to fall into the old ways. Part of me was standing back and observing, though, thinking about how you can put a teenager in a bad mood by working on the wrong stuff first thing in the morning. Dana and I were actually in reversed roles for a while, as she was getting annoyed at having to sign Mike’s missing assignment sheet yet again, and I was saying now is not the time to fix this ongoing problem, not right before he leaves for school.

I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast. No bacon, no cheese. Dana made some eggs, so I had eggs. Paid the bills. Filed. Made calls and appointments, picked up prescriptions, got the laptop hooked up to the wireless network and internet. Canceled the AOL free trial. Mundane, daily, just what I needed. Taught Dana how to pay bills in Quicken. Went to get shoes for me, instead got shoes for Dana! She now has many, and I have not enough. Very political that.

We returned the new camera that was a gift in December, that I dropped the night of Mardi Gras Ball. In retrospect I was dizzy when I dropped it. Anyway, the door that holds the digital card in broke off, and we didn’t think Staples would replace it 3 months later, so I put on a short sleeve shirt and let the PICC line dangle out, and we go into Staples looking as sick as possible. The girl behind the service desk is busy, but the manager is there and says “Is there something wrong with the camera?” We tell him, and he says “We have that in stock, let me get one.” I start to tell him we got it in December, and he says it doesn’t matter and hands us a new one. Great.

My eyebrows are starting to fall out, and a number of women have mentioned that they do pretty good eyebrows. I may try to do something with insects, though, not live insects but drawings of insects as eyebrows. I took a lot of entomology in college; I have a degree in Plant Science with a concentration in Plant Pathology! Anyway, it seems to me insect eyebrows could be cool, different ones each day. Walking sticks. Lines of ants. Caterpillars on sunny days. Why stop at insects though? How about Putin and Bush? A dog and a cat? I may have to put up a whole web site, Eyebrows of the Day, just for this.

We have to leave at 6am to be at Stanford by 10am, the visit there will take 4 hours (2 units of blood, Vincristine, Elspar), home by 7pm. I better go to bed now. What a nice mundane day, nice boring blog.


  1. Wow, John, you look like Uncle Russ! Or is it Frank? Anyway, a Fiore.

    Congrats on getting home. love, your sister.

  2. Ooooh Myyyyy God,
    A mere one day out of institutional care and you're already as crazy as a damned armadillo with the clap.
    John, the blog pics from yesterday are very telling. The Jesse Ventura head shot is pretty cool. I'm sure these things are oversights on your part and I understand that you were anxious to get out of there the other day but, clearly, there are some very, very obvious indications that you should have taken care of some things before you left the hospital. First of all, you need to get back with the Docs to find out how in the hell loose change and green peppers could have been lodged in your hair without anyone knowing that.
    Secondly, when you were in that hospital research area where the mouse was, there was obviously more than mice in there. In the event you have not noticed, a goddamned baboon or something implanted or attached itself to your shoulders.
    Man, you must really look sick to have gotten them to take back that BROKEN camera after three months. Tell you what, I have an old Volvo in the back yard and I would like to see you try that one.
    The eyebrow art is a very cool idea. You could go with the golf motif, or surfing kinda stuff. Even better, incorporate some of our sick bathroom humor into the brow painting. Oh, here it is: Combine that last thought with Irish bar humor.
    "What's dat in yer eye der laddie?" "Oh dat Danny, it's not but frum last nite wen I sed ta Colin dat I was shitfaced and he taught I sed . . . . "
    Dana would love that.
    Finally, you must have forgotten there are other people reading this blog. I'm not sure a lot of your readers want to hear that you were home alone last night "banging away." I'm glad though that you did not include any pics of that little private time.
    I trust you will enjoy the drive today and I hope they treat you well.
    We'll talk over the weekend.

  3. Mac, Mac, Mac
    for crying out loud don't give him any ideas. ESPECIALLY now that he has that new camera.

  4. Hello John: you look like a younger Bruce Willis. I am wondering, like Eric, why did you loose your head´s hair and not the shoulder´s?
    I sincerely hope that the camera you broke was not the beauty and very expensive item that my husband and I got you last december!!!!!

  5. Gumba!
    Welcome back!

    Me Deb, Bryan and Vallas want to come by and say hi, so hurry up and get back.

    Ya know, that last pic churned up a long past memory...the belly lint :P

  6. One of the nurses told me the body hair is on a different growth/death cycle than head hair, and may or may not fall out, probably will but takes longer. I just read in Esquire that back waxing or electrolysis was really required these days, so I was planning on saving lots of money, and pain too.

    The eyebrow thing is gonna be huge, Dana named it on the ride today - Eyebrows for Lowbrows!

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  9. Just to clarify...for Mac and others with overactive imaginations...John was "banging away" at the keyboard. I am not THAT sound a sleeper. Puh-leeze!

    And yes, Amparo, that was the very beautiful, very expensive camera you guys gave us last December which is why we were so sick about having dropped it. It was like a miracle that they exchanged it no questions asked. They didn't even ask for a receipt. John thinks it was because he looked sick but he missed the scene I made in Staples a couple of weeks ago when a rude clerk said the wrong thing to me on the wrong day. I told him I think there was some sort of high- tech-electronic-facial-recognition-screening-dealie as you go through the doors there at Staples and when I went through I set off all the alarms in the back. I imagined some sort of Startrek red alert lights flashing back there and my picture broadcast onto all the video monitors. That manager worked amazingly fast to get us out of there. It was weird.

    Deb and Lisa, OK, I'll bite. I'm trying to imagine what in the world got you guys on to the eyebrow/roadkill topic. Enlighten us!


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  13. Well Dana, now that you've made it a point to rehash the "banging away" topic for 4 or 5 times. And talk about overactive imaginations. Cmon, you guys are now calling it banging away on a "keyboard." So, it's computer terms you wanna use huh?
    Oh D, you make it too easy for me to take off. Uh oh, here I go.
    Was this banging away on the "KEYBOARD" going on at the DESKTOP, LAPTOP OR PALMTOP? How much RAM was required to go from SOFTWARE to HARDWARE? Were you guys BROWSING very long before it finished LOADING. How many PERIPHERALS did you use? Was his POWER SUPPLY INPUT into the MOTHERBOARD HOST a good INSTALL or a DEFAULT? Please don't tell me he tried a BACKUP on the BOOT or some other sick SHORTCUT just to attain more STORAGE or FINISH LOADING. Did his SERVER remain ONLINE very long? Were there any other INTERACTIVE INTERFACES during the CONNECT TIME but prior to the CRASH? I hope he didn't COMPRESS his DISK or some part of his MAINFRAME before he finished DOWNLOADING the DIALOGUE BOX or hit the DELETE MENU to attain OUTPUT PROCESSING.
    OWE, I just got hit in the head with something. Didn't know she was home yet. Gotta go.

  14. john- i would go for the insect eyebrows, i am considering henna tatoo of my bald head with flowers and vines for the spring. you will most likely lose all the hair so there will be plenty of room for art projects. jeanne

  15. John and Jeanne
    I hope you are happy, I am almost thrown off the beach this afternoon for bothering innocent children--when their father gave me the eyeball I tried to explain I was just interviewing them about their hats--they were those "Mentel" hats with all the stuff sticking out looking like dreadlocks hit by lightning...they said they hardly ever bang their heads and if they do it doesn't hurt--so John forget the alopecia catalogs and head your head for the snowboard dept. of your local surf shop.
    the midgets told me you have to ask where the funky stuff is, dude.

  16. Dahling,
    You look absolutely "shagadelic"! Re the eyebrows - If I can find the shag carpet my folks used to have in the house, I think I can match you up. I think it's stainmaster so you won't have to worry about falling asleep in your soup bowl.
    xo, Lisa
