Saturday, May 01, 2010

Long, wide turn

Dana again here, typing for John this time. His words:

I’m still in the hospital, it’s Saturday morning. I got here yesterday after an exciting morning, especially for the neighborhood kids getting on the bus as the fire truck and ambulance responded to Dana’s 911 call. Slight fever and chills. Nothing new really, just a reaction to the chemo and a little longer nadir than I had hoped for.

Since my WBCs are at .1 we are really holding back on visitors and since I can’t talk without pain, I’m not really answering the phone, so I am isolated. What else is there to say? Thank you for all your support. Today I will leave you with a poem I wish I’d written because it made Dana cry when she read it to me. It’s from the Writer’s Almanac.

by Julie Cadwallader Staub

I am 52 years old, and have spent
truly the better part
of my life out-of-doors
but yesterday I heard a new sound above my head
a rustling, ruffling quietness in the spring air

and when I turned my face upward
I saw a flock of blackbirds
rounding a curve I didn't know was there
and the sound was simply all those wings
just feathers against air, against gravity
and such a beautiful winning
the whole flock taking a long, wide turn
as if of one body and one mind.

How do they do that?

Oh if we lived only in human society
with its cruelty and fear
its apathy and exhaustion
what a puny existence that would be

but instead we live and move and have our being
here, in this curving and soaring world
so that when, every now and then, mercy and tenderness triumph in our lives
and when, even more rarely, we manage to unite and move together
toward a common good,

and can think to ourselves:

ah yes, this is how it's meant to be.


  1. blackbirds are my favorites
    i am here
    wishing forever
    i was as crafty as them
    i could fly
    if i would

    being near the shore and crossing over water on bridges
    it comes to pass
    that as i pass over the water
    on the bridge at the top when the wind is steady
    gulls hang in the air
    with a slight yaw
    but steady
    and sometimes as i pass by them
    they turn their heads
    and i imagine that our eyes meet
    my friend


  2. the last poemery that made me cry was a song on MVY radio. I was in my car and had to pull over to hear the whole thing--it was The Bells of Harlem, Gillian Welch and Dave Rawlings Machine. very comforting, and the thought that something could be took me by surprise.
    but true enough, even in the huge pollen cloud that is RI after the titled "historic flooding", always feel better outside...
    and you'll get there.
    ps. the last thing that made me laugh out loud was 'bama 911--thanks a lot you fool I did a spit take. lucky I wasn't drinking Gator Aid--y'all got that down there or just let them dang thangs hep they own selves?

  3. may my heart always be open to little
    birds who are the secrets of living
    whatever they sing is better than to know
    and if men should not hear them men are old

    may my mind stroll about hungry
    and fearless and thirsty and supple
    and even if its sunday may i be wrong
    for whenever men are right they are not young

    and may myself do nothing usefully
    and love yourself so more than truly
    there's never been quite such a fool who could fail pulling all the sky over him with one smile e.e.cummings as Mickey B would say "don't tell me what kind of day to have" Earl

  4. willing you to wellness
    birds flying in formation
    long wide turn
    headed home

  5. We love you, John and Dana- that's all.

  6. nice, earl
    another day dawns

  7. Ghost writing is a good start John. Thanks Dana.

    John, I hope your WBCs are on the rise, like a flock of black birds floating with an updraft of soft, deliberate wind, taking them to levels higher than imaginable.

    We look forward to hearing from you soon and I hope it’s from Wavetree very soon.


  8. mac,

    that gave me shivers
    certainly not goose bumps though


  9. Hi Mo,

    I hope you're doing well.

    The only thing that could"a given you shivers on that post is perhaps a cold spell in R.I.

    We're bracing for some bad weather down here. Nothing however, compared to our upcoming slicking of oil - complements of BP. I gotta be careful here; can't beat up on the Brits too badly, as the TLW are one.


  10. hey Mac, we are shivering now because we just went for our first Dels of the year (frozen lemonade for you non RI'ers). You might like it with a shot of gin added.
    I have been watching your weather and the oil because one of my sisters is down your way vacationing on Dauphin Island. Then I check on how John and Dana are doing and skype my adrenaline junkie of a niece in New Zealand who just got back to school after being caught in a rogue blizzard climbing Mt. Cook.
    jeeze, Louise, I am getting agita just looking at my computer.
    Dels was good even though my teeth were chattering by the time we got to the sea wall, that is about my speed.
    wimp in RI,
